Nightlife in Alcalá

Nightlife in Alcalá de Henares. Looking to enjoy a night with your friends, meet new people, explore bars and clubs? Alcalá has lots to offer. With its large student population and variety places to drink, dine and dance, there’s always something to do when the sun goes down.

Becca Fogel, New Jersey, USA.

In fact, so much so, that many students from the city of Madrid itself come in to Alcalá to switch things up once in a while. Yes, students from Madrid, known for their 7 story club «Kapital» and crazy parties, come to Alcalá because Alcalá is just that fun.

So what’s it like to see Alcalá by night? First, something important to know is that the «going out» schedule is much later than exists in the United States. People definitely go to bars for early drinks and tapas before dinner, but nightlife doesn’t really start up until about midnight. In fact, clubs don’t get lively until about 1 or 2am.

So don’t be surprised if you’re still out and about as the sun rises!

Especially if you do want to take advantage of the short distance between Alcalá and Madrid. Madrid is only a 35 minute train ride away. So, many students will take the last train of the night from Alcalá to Madrid, and an early morning train home around 6am (chocolate and churros for desayuno anyone?) In addition, busses run between Madrid and Alcalá at all hours, in case you want to call it a night early.

Ok, back to Alcalá. One of the best parts of nightlife in Alcalá is how fun-loving all the «Alcalaínos» are. Whether you want to try out a free tango lesson, go dancing at club, see a performance at the historic theater «Corral de comedias» or sit around at a bar talking politics over beer, there are always going to be people there with you who enhance the experience. Plus, the streets themselves are beautiful at night – an evening walk down the cobblestone streets of calle Mayor will relax and revive you all in one – like that first sip of hot coffee in the morning.

To end with a classic phrase you may hear in Alcalá referring to the lively local spirit: «Alcalaíno borracho y fino.» You can look that up on your own.

¡Hasta la noche!

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