Alcalá is a city that is full of life! While passing through the streets of Alcalá, it is clear that the city’s population is very active.
Rosaria Altomare, State College (Pensilvania), USA.
People of all ages spend time passing through the streets, talking, eating, and shopping along the Calle Mayor. Paved with cobblestone, the Calle Mayor makes you feel like you need to slow down and appreciate the small details of the city streets.
There are countless small shops, restaurants, and bakeries where the store owners are patient and kind. There is even a man who owns a souvenir shop who is known to reach out to students who study abroad in Alcalá just to hear their stories!
Go to the Plaza de Cervantes if you’re looking for a place to sit, socialize, and soak up the inviting, lively atmosphere of the city. Be careful not to miss anything!
The center of Alcalá connects to many narrow streets that will take you to shops, museums, ice cream parlors, the main ALSA bus station, the main train station, La Catedral, and so much more!
Add the sunshine that so often shines on the city and you have the perfect place to spend an afternoon, weekend, or more!
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