Dream AlcaláNewsPhänomenta Exhibition in Alcalá Magna Shopping Center

Phänomenta Exhibition in Alcalá Magna Shopping Center

Phänomenta is an extraordinary attraction that will spark curiosity, pose questions, provide answers and leave the whole family amazed. Suitable for children aged three and above. Previously showed in several European countries, now arrives to the Alcalá Magna shopping center of Alcalá de Henares.

Visitors will explore the laws of nature through exciting experiments that will engage all the senses. ‘Please don’t touch’ is unheard of here. In fact, trying things out for yourself is positively encouraged! You can see, learn and discover so much here.

Among the phenomena that they investigate is the invisible but potent force of magnetism: what makes fish in a large aquarium take the bait? Does everything attract everything else? Another exhibit deals mainly with visual stimuli: it’s all about the eyes in the House of Senses with its mirrors, periscope and a wall on which you can write using light. Tasting, smelling, seeing, hearing, pulling, crawling, rolling, playing, experimenting and understanding – Phänomenta promises fun and entertainment for the whole family.

Below you will see some images of Phänomenta in Alcalá Magna.

[gdl_gallery title=»phanomenta» width=»275″  height=»200″]

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